After graduating high school in Virginia Beach, Kelly set out to travel the world, living in Hawaii, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and India. Now she finds great joy in helping others plan their ideal vacations. Whether you are planning your annual Tahoe trip or visiting Lake Tahoe for the first time, Kelly will help make your Tahoe getaway exceptional. Kelly has a number of years experience in customer service, is a certified yoga instructor, and is working towards her Holistic Health Coaching certification.
Your perfect Tahoe summer day? Going for a trail run early in the morning, then getting out on my paddle board. Relaxing in the sun with a good book, then spending the evening with good friends making dinner outside. Either sleeping outside or just getting some good star gazing in!
If it snows 2 feet overnight, what is your ideal way to spend the day? Chasing the freshies, either in bounds or in the backcountry
What is the next toy on your purchase list? Probably another snowboard or surf board…
Favorite Tahoe trail? Rubicon Peak
Favorite Tahoe beach? East Shore
Favorite celebrity? Stevie Nicks
What was your first concert? N’sync
What is your dream vacation? Really anywhere warm with good surf. But New Zealand comes to mind first.
What is your motto? Just do what makes you happy.